LumiSpa Accent (for eyes) Review and Distribuotr | Wholesale Price

LumiSpa Accent (for eyes) Review and Distribuotr | Wholesale Price

LumiSpa Accent is a new treatment head of LumiSpa for eyes problem!

But it's different from the normal head, firm head or the sensitive head!

What's the difference?

1. Module
There is a new base plate for the eyes silicone head. So you should combine the base and LumiSpa, and then you can put the eyes head on it!

2. Technology
As you know, LumiSpa use the new technology called "Micro-Pulse Oscillation Technology", and LumiSpa Accent use newer technology "Anti-Phasic Technology"

For more information or check out at distributor/wholesale price of NuSkin Lumispa Accent, just contact us by Facebook messenger, we provide 24 hours service globally :)
